Thursday, February 24, 2011

Blockbuster VS Netflix VS Redbox

When I was little, dad use to take my brother and I to Blockbuster all the time to rent movies. Now a days he uses the Blockbuster total access. He likes being able to have them arrive in the mail but also being able to return it to the store if he wants a quick change. Now that I am living on my own, I use to just go to a Redbox or Hastings to rent movies. However, I was spending so much money do that because I either would not return the movies back the next day like I wanted for the Redbox, or I was spending to much money for movies as Hastings. Now I have a Netflix account. It is nice being able to instantly watch movies online if I do not want to leave the house.
I think each option for renting movies has its pros and cons. Blockbuster has the convenience of having it mailed to you and you can return it to a store for a new rental but this service costs extra. Redbox has wonderful prices as far as being only one dollar a night but there is a limited selection at each location. Netflix has cheaper prices and it is mailed to your door, but have to wait on the mail for your new movie. Blockbuster and Netflix also offer online streaming. Personally I am very pleased with Netflix and will continue my service with them.

There's no reason to become alarmed, and we hope you'll enjoy the rest of your flight. By the way, is there anyone on board who knows how to fly a plane?
        ~Quote from the movie Airplane

1 comment:

  1. I agree they both have their own individual pros and cons. If I had the option of Netflix I would completely take it no doubt but for me we have never had fast enough internet at my house to stream movies. Now that I am on my own hopefully I can start that as of now I don't rent enough for it to be cost efficient but I do agree it is very convenient to have the luxury of staying home and renting.
