Monday, April 11, 2011

Recording Studios

The recording industry is a rather intriguing industry. The fact that the industry is able to be ran in both a public and private setting is very interesting to me. I have always thought the way that people have been able to record and mix music has been interesting. Each of the studios links were entertaining to look at. They all had similar yet different settings. Yet each was a successful business. The one business that I found most interesting and intriguing was the Pachyderm Recording Studio. It was a private yet public recording studio. I've been around friends when they were recording on their computers. It was interesting listening to them work on the recordings.


  1. I agree with you that the procedure for recording music is very interesting. The amount of technical expertise that goes into it are astounding at times. But then when you look from the perspective of home-recording it can be so simple.

  2. I felt the same way that they had similar but very different feels to the studios. I thought that the similarities were most likely the home like feel that each place had for the prospective artist.
