Monday, April 18, 2011

Weather Channel Tour

Personally I liked the Weather Channel Tour better. It was more interactive and gave a little more insight to how the company was run and how the studio was used to enhance the broadcasts that are given out. I found the New York Times tour to be more about the structure of the building and less about the design of the building inner working's and how it is being used to enhance the company and make the product more efficiently. Where the weather channel tour told more about how they have modernized it to fit more than one purpose for a specific room or object, like the swiveling green screen which can be used in two different rooms.

1 comment:

  1. I did enjoy the photography from the New York Times tour much more than the Weather Channel, but you make a good point about the functionality of the Weather Channel tour. I think if both places combined their methods they would have a more well-rounded tour.
